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Jewelers’ Facebook Pages – There is a Lot to Like




THERE IS A SCENE in just about every Superman movie in which the Man of Steel zips across the nighttime skies of America, checking in on late workers in Manhattan offices, bathing briefly in the warm glow of dinner being served in a Nebraska farmhouse, before swooping over the lights of L.A. and a friendly game of pickup basketball in the San Fernando Valley.

America is safe and sound. Our superhero is content.

This will sound like a stretch but that’s what the feels like each year for the editorial team as we scan the final entries to INSTORE’s America’s Coolest Stores contest. Not so much the belief that the future of the independent jeweler is secure – although from the entries, it’s in pretty good shape — but what it feels like to get a coast-to-coast, inside view of the state of independent jewelry retail in America. Small stores, big stores, hardcore metalsmiths’ shops to ritzy designer boutiques … it’s all represented by submissions to the contest.

When we ran ACS for the first time in 2002, we relied on photos and descriptions provided by the owners to try to get an idea of what the stores were like. Now modern technology means we can take digital tours through stores, Google Earth enables us to stroll around the neighborhood and social media allows to listen and get a real feel for the store’s character — and even find out what customers think of the business and its staff.

One of the things that stood out this year was how much better jewelers are getting at using Facebook to show off their personalities and engage customers.

To be sure, some stores still don’t seem to get it – their Facebook pages read and display like a product catalog, and the tone is overly formal: “Dear Facebook follower, today’s announcement concerns our … “


But most do. They’re fun to read, and the stores sound like placed we’d like to hang out or at least do business. Here are just a few examples of the cool ways jewelers are using their Facebook accounts:

Sending congratulations to recently married customers:

“I was very proud to make these two handsome men their wedding bands. Congratulations Tim and John!”

Allowing people to get to know them better:

“Here are some shots from the photo shoot we did for our holiday advertising campaign.”

“I call this the Cornerstone. I designed the entire setting using 4 diamonds from a great grandmother’s ring …”


“Today was playday at Gallery of Diamonds. Each of our staff drew a picture of a pig. Can you determine our personalities from these pictures?”

“Best email of the day: ‘Rahul at the Tyson’s Corner store absolutely saved my wedding!!’”

Commenting on news and fashion events: “So I know this was over a week ago, but I can’t get Cate Blanchett’s earrings out of my mind!”

Advertising upcoming events in a no-pressure, low-key way:

“The Burkes Girls are on the road again! Today we are in Heathsville at the Farmers Market and we are having a BUNNY BLOWOUT SALE on our Crab and Oyster Bracelets… $30 each all day.”

Talking about new product and designs in a no-pressure, low-key way:


“So excited to finally get to show you this ring — she said ‘yes.’ When they came in they had a particular design they were looking for.”

Hosting small, fun contests:

“Don’t forget to enter your mom as a “SUPER MOM” to win great prizes including a Sterling Silver Pandora Bracelet.”

“Keep ’em coming everyone! Even if you’ve been married awhile, send us your Wedding Ring Selfie!”

“Write the Best caption with this photo and win free swag” contest

Sharing jokes (after all, jewelry should be fun, so should your store)

“Diamonds are the hardest substance in the world … to get back from a woman. — Diamond Mike.”

Cementing ties to the local community, whether it’s campaigning to Keep Austin Weird, supporting the local basketball team with a gif or meme (Hoosier Momma!), or posting a local version of Pharrell Williams’ Happy video.

Passing on knowledge and sharing tips: These don’t have to be about jewelry they can be cooking or (best way to remove the stem from a strawberry is with a straw)

Asking for votes in Best Store Contests

“Vote for our Dog, Snappy!!”

Yes, there’s a lot to Like.

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Retiring? Let Wilkerson Do the Heavy Lifting

Retirement can be a great part of life. As Nanji Singadia puts it, “I want to retire and enjoy my life. I’m 78 now and I just want to take a break.” That said, Nanji decided that the best way to move ahead was to contact the experts at Wilkerson. He chose them because he knew that closing a store is a heavy lift. To maximize sales and move on to the next, best chapter of his life, he called Wilkerson—but not before asking his industry friends for their opinion. He found that Wilkerson was the company most recommended and says their professionalism, experience and the homework they did before the launch all helped to make his going out of business sale a success. “Wilkerson were working on the sale a month it took place,” he says. “They did a great job.”

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