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Signet’s ‘Ever Us’ Marketing Campaign Becomes Major Hit With Consumers




Before it launched, the concept was put under the microscope for months.

Amid a disappointing third quarter, Signet turned to a new marketing concept that boosted sales in the fourth quarter and eased investors’ nerves, Fortune writes. The “Ever Us” campaign “was by far and away the biggest launch we’ve ever had,” CEO Mark Light told the business publication. “It was the first time in our company’s history where we took the whole strength of Signet’s major brands and was able to leverage it to promote only one product, one idea, to all of our customers.”

The article says Signet tested and analyzed the concept for months, with Light noting that it “scored off the charts in our research. We took that research, developed products, and gave it to our stores to see how the customers reacted to it. And to say that the reaction was phenomenal would be an understatement.”

Read more at Fortune




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