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The FTC Is About to Make Some Changes – Here’s How to Make Sure Your Advertising Is Compliant




Precious metals, diamonds and colored gemstones are the specific focus.

June 3 is the last day that the Federal Trade Commission will accept public comments on proposed changes to the jewelry guides, which explain to businesses how to avoid making deceptive marketing claims. To that end, the Jewelers Vigilance Committee will hold a live webinar series beginning this summer designed to help industry members avoid legal risk and implement compliant business practices.

Here are the webinar descriptions provided by the JVC:

FTC Revisions Explained: Part 1
Thursday, June 16, 2016 from 2:00-2:45 p.m. EST

The Federal Trade Commission Guidelines to Advertising in the Jewelry Industry (“FTC Guides”) are an important part of the jewelry industry and provide guidance to marketers about how to sell their products without deception. The FTC is currently in the process of revising the Guides. In this two-part series, we will first review the essential role of the FTC Guides in our industry, and how to comply with the current rules. We’ll address the reach of the FTC Guides, discuss who has to comply with them (not just retailers), and learn how to apply their guidance to some sample jewelry advertising. We will also discuss the consequences of non-compliance. Presented by JVC’s Assistant General Counsel, Sara Yood.

FTC Revisions Explained: Part 2
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016 from 2:00-2:45 p.m. EST

By this date, JVC and other associations will have filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission on the proposed revisions to the FTC Guides to Advertising in the Jewelry Industry. We will discuss JVC’s comments and recommended revisions to the FTC Guides, focusing specifically on the precious metals, diamonds, and colored gemstone sectors. While it’s unlikely that the FTC will have responded to our comments, we’ll spend time discussing how changes might affect the industry and what you can do to understand and be prepared for any revisions made. Presented by JVC’s Assistant General Counsel, Sara Yood.


Employment Law
Wednesday October 19, 2016 from 2:00-2:45 p.m. EST

Get an update on the latest issues for you to know in your role as employer or employee – avoid messy employment law suits, make sure you are working in a compliant workplace, and ensure your employees are being treated in line with the latest legal requirements. This webinar will answer your questions on the various federal labor law pertaining to hiring, firing, background checks, non-compete agreements, anti-discrimination and more. Presented by JVC CEO & President Cecilia L. Gardner.

AML Refresher
Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 from 2:00-2:45 p.m. EST

AML Refresher: Banks are increasing their pressure on merchants to demonstrate their compliance with USA PATRIOT Act. Government is now enforcing against companies simply for the failure to comply. Are you up to date with your required actions under the law? This webinar will review all of the elements to meet compliance expectations from banks, the government and your business partners. Presented by JVC CEO & President Cecilia L. Gardner.

Each of these webinars is free to members. The non-member fee is $25. For registration and details, visit or call 212.997.2002.




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