(Press Release) MUMBAI – In its effort to promote the Indian gems and jewelry industry, the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council in association with Diamond Dealer Club is organising the fifth India Diamond Week for Aug. 22-25, 2016, at the Diamond Dealers Club, 580 5th Ave., New York.
The purpose of the event is to create an annual trading platform for the Indian Diamantaires in the U.S. to fortify the business relationship with leading American diamond traders. About 16 Indian diamond manufacturers from India will participate, along with diamond manufacturers from the U.S. The Diamond Dealers Club is the largest diamond trade organization in the United States, and one of the leading diamond exchanges in the world. As in previous years, a networking evening will be organised for further exploring business ideas between the event participants.
“Diamond Week is one of the major meeting point for both Indian and American diamond manufacturers,” said GJEPC Chairman Praveenshankar Pandya. The event “fosters the interests of the diamond traders, thereby bringing together the largest diamond manufacturer and the largest diamond and diamond jewelry consuming nation under one roof.”