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Here Are the Real Reasons Jewelers Quit Their Jobs




Here Are the Real Reasons Jewelers Quit Their Jobs

Jewelry-store employees fare a pretty loyal group overall, as we previously reported.

But people do move on for a variety of reasons. Understanding why employees choose to stay or go is important when you’re trying to build a stable, reliable staff.

For Big Survey 2016, we asked, “If you have full-time employees, did any quit in the last 12 months?” As it turns out, 63 percent said no, and 37 percent said yes.

We then asked the “yes” respondents what the reasons for the turnover were. Here’s what they said:

  • To take another non-jewelry job – 43%
  • Moving out of the area – 15%
  • To return to school – 8%
  • To have children or other family reason – 7%
  • Conflict in the workplace – 6%
  • Reached retirement age – 6%
  • To take a jewelry job elsewhere – 5%
  • Medical reason – 3%
  • Don’t know – 3%
  • Other – 3%
  • To open own store – 1%

The last time we asked this question was 2008, with the country fast falling into recession. Not surprisingly, fewer people (33 percent) back then were leaving to take another job – presumably because there weren’t many around


Conflict in the workplace, however, was off the charts, accounting for almost one in three employee departures in in 2008. Jewelry stores now seem a much less fraught environment, with workplace disharmony cited in only one in 20 cases this year.





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