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Hold a Happy Hour to Mark National Beer Day, and More Calendar Dates in April

It’s also Siblings Day, Reconciliation Day and a chance to get out in the community during National Volunteer Week.




Hold a Happy Hour to Mark National Beer Day, and More Calendar Dates in April

2 Ann Landers knew a thing about feuds — she didn’t talk to her twin sister, (Dear) Abby, for years. It may have been why she was such an advocate of NATIONAL RECONCILIATION DAY. While grudges, feuds and recalled slights can occasionally be good motivators, they mostly just consume time and energy. Today, reach out to someone you had a falling out with and try to make peace. Even if they don’t respond, you can move on.

7 It’s NATIONAL BEER DAY, held to commemorate the end of prohibition in 1933. Hold a happy hour with X% off. This is the perfect time for your male customers to get in some early shopping for Mother’s Day.

10 Sure, they hogged the TV remote, and you had to wear red because they got the blue top, and they NEVER seemed to do their share of the dishes. On NATIONAL SIBLINGS DAY, remind your customers of all this. Siblings are like the best friends we never asked for but are really glad we have. They deserve a nice surprise gift — in red.

21-7 50 years ago, Richard Nixon signed an executive order making this NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK. So, raise those hands and get involved. Working the soup line is a great way to meet people in your community, both the fortunate and the less so.

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