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On Tucson, Expectations for 2023, and More Reader Letters

Plus what it takes to succeed in today’s business climate.




  • This is how we make our own luck, two simple rules: Do it fast, do it right. Our goal is to have repairs and special orders out the door within one to two business days and have repairs double-checked for quality. No more calls about “is my ring ready yet?” This makes for some happy customers! We will keep this up in 2023; word of mouth has been great for us! — Gloria H., Topeka, KS
  • I think 2023 will be all about adjusting. We have lab-grown diamonds low, gold high … so what’s in between? I think figuring all that out will lead to success. — Alex W., Torrance, CA
  • I need staff. I have no time to read or go to shows because staff don’t want to work. — Andrea R., El Dorado Hills, CA
  • I think at this point, 2023 is a bit of an unknown, and although I’m a bit cautious on my spending, I plan to move forward with the expectation that it will be a spectacular year. As has been proven out in the past, attitude along with hard work produces positive results. — Joe T., Lubbock, TX
  • After spending 50 years in the wonderful jewelry industry, I still learn something new every day!! Now semi-retired and still looking forward to every day making beautiful jewelry. Thank you INSTORE for always giving us jewelers a place to get up-to-date information on the ever-changing jewelry industry. — Frank S., Plantation, FL
  • We are at a crossroads … our lease will be up in one year. Do we renew it 10 more years? Or is it time to let go? Last year was tough in sales, but our repairs have been increasing. More and more people have been Google searching us, our reviews are giving our customers a lot of confidence. — Liliana M., East Patchogue, NY
  • I think 2023 is going to be a big year for colored gemstone engagement rings. I’ve already started to see some excitement. I think with the rise of lab-grown diamonds, it’s making people feel more comfortable thinking past the expectation of traditional diamonds. — Becky B., Peabody, MA
  • I sorely miss Tucson, the joy of it, the craziness, the spending endorphins! You start out reasonable, determined to stay within limits, to browse the whole show before deciding … but guess what? The third day does it, the third day does you in! There it is, that magic gem, the one in a million, not on the list for sure, but WTH! You’ll never see it again, get out the checks, do it!!! And then … that’s it, wild abandon, what the hey indeed! Spend, spend, spend, the trapiche emerald, the incredible cuts, the never-again original Paraiba! What the hey, it’s Tucson! That’s why I can’t go this year! — Eve A., Evanston, IL
  • I am a firm believer in the phrase, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” Other stores may have “talent,” larger social networks, more wealth, more brands, better locations, but if they sit back on their laurels while you continue to work hard, you will become noticed in your marketplace. I am very optimistic about 2023 because we have a strong team that is laser-focused on providing the best experience, and they are experts at following up with customers. — Josh P., Wilmington, NC

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