Online Sustenance
I really enjoy the online articles in between issues. It helps tide me over until next month! Keep it up. We love INSTORE! — Morgan Bartel, Susann’s Custom Jewelers, Corpus Christi, TX
The industry needs to take a proactive approach to weeding out the bad seeds. Jewelers have a reputation of ripping people off and not being fair. I hate the fact that the industry attracts shady characters because we work with items that are difficult to value from a customer’s point of view. Wholesalers should be on the front line denying jewelers without morals any product. — Christopher Sarraf, Nuha Jewelers, Plainview, NY
My personal motto is that it is amazing how many things you have to change to keep things the same. These are challenging times, and those challenges provide us with great opportunities. I came back from JCK all wound up and excited to figure out what changes I need to make. What great opportunities are lurking out there for the imaginative operator. — Alexander Rysman, Romm Diamonds, Brockton, MA
Is anyone else having problems with suppliers charging exorbitant postage on items that the supplier puts on backorder and then ships out one or two items at a time until the backorders are all fulfilled? — James Sickinger, Sickinger’s Jewelry, Lowell, IN
As far as engagement of my employees, I try to keep them engaged with cash bonuses, company outings and such, but this generation doesn’t seem to be all that concerned about their job. It certainly doesn’t seem to be in their top three concerns. Darned if I can figure it out. — David Phelps, Precision Platinum, Durham, NC
This article originally appeared in the July 2017 edition of INSTORE.