Barbara Palumbo and Doug Hucker
(PRESS RELEASE) Select Jewelry Show Tucson is a new addition to the successful line up of fall shows held at the Ritz-Carlton in Dallas, Washington DC, and Connecticut. The new Tucson event is being held at the luxurious Westin La Paloma Resort in Tucson, Arizona on February 2-3, 2020.
The Select 2020 education program presents notable industry experts Barbara Palumbo and Doug Hucker.
Sunday, February 2, 8:00 am-9:30 am
Barbara Palumbo, Blogger; adornmentality.com and whatsonherwrist.com, and writer.
A Dozen Dos (and Don’ts): 12 Easy Ways to Strengthen your Social
Industry personality Barbara Palumbo is back again, this time offering twelve easy steps to building your social media presence and follower counts on the platforms that benefit retailers and small businesses most.
Monday, February 3, 8:30 am-9:30 am
Doug Hucker, CEO of the AGTA
Color: Using the Whole Box of Crayons
We are all searching for strategies and products to drive more customers and more business into our stores. Colored gemstones just might be the solution you are looking for. Color is appealing, it is infinitely customizable, it is young and it is old. It can fill any price point and it is bursting with passion. It is complex enough to appeal to your geeks yet sexy enough to excite your romantics. It is current and unique for your millennials and steeped in gravitas for your traditionalists. Why not put more money in your pocket and have fun doing it? Come join Doug Hucker in this seminar as we explore the opportunities to use colored gemstones to add excitement to your business and profits to your bottom line.
Select offers jewelers an opportunity to meet with 63 of the jewelry industry’s top-tier designers and manufacturers. The Select Tucson schedule of February 2-3, Sunday and Monday works perfectly for better retailers coming to town for Tucson’s important gem shows. It will transition seamlessly into the kick-off of the major shows that open on the following day, Tuesday, February 4th such as AGTA GemFair. It does not interfere or overlap with the main Tucson shows. It provides buyers the opportunity to meet with well-known fine jewelry designers and top tier manufacturers before the other shows for better use of their time.
For more information contact the show manager Jordan Brockhaus-Spears at 844-285-1103 or email tucson@selectjewelryshow.com.