The focus is on making connections.
He rummaged around the store for about two minutes.
Few features can give a jewelry store a homier feel more quickly than a fireplace.
Check out our gallery of some of the country's furriest jewelry store staff!
20% see their business as transformed forever.
BEING A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER can necessitate looking foolish — such as when you tell your partners about your plan to let customers borrow replica diamond...
They knew that the biggest risk of all was to stay still.
Many in the business are adjusting their mindset as women’s purchasing power explodes.
Female store owners find strength in numbers while bringing balance to the jewelry industry.
At 74, Buddy Bear says it’s time to retire his long-running, one-man show.
She's accused of second-degree murder.
His death is being investigated as a homicide.
The store owner's longstanding security practice paid off.
She doesn't wait for chances, she goes for it!
Lately, the company is focused on data-driven geo-fencing.
Store of the future uses innovative interior design to set customers at ease.
The business is planning a check-writing party.
A move to custom and a revitalized brand image changed this store’s course.
Mentoring Girl Scouts Sparks Interest in Jewelry Borsheims, Omaha, NE 1 Diamonds are a Girl Scout’s best friend — especially now that a group of Omaha Girl...
Although husband, father and co-founder Mike Koerber passed away, his blueprint for success lives on.
INSTORE helps you become a better jeweler with the biggest daily news headlines and useful tips. (Mailed 5x per week.)