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Thoughts on the Pandemic, Surprise Successes and More Of Your Letters From May

One jeweler admonishes Hollywood.




On “How to Recession-Proof Your Business”

  • There’s no way you guys could have seen this coming that far down the pike, but April’s lead on recession-proofing your business was such a timely delivery of essential information. A prime directive of maintaining the vital artery necessary to sustain the majority of business essentials. Many of us have a track record that can draw on that previous history, but for those owners taking control in the last decade, this baptism by fire will either make or break you. This delivery of a step-by-step outline will keep many of these newbies in business. Our humble gratitude from the professional jewelry community-at-large for the timeliness of this COVID “Critical Thinking” edition. INSTORE keeps the independent jeweler at the leading edge of information and insight! — Denise Oros, Linnea Jewelers, La Grange, IL
  • The timing of the article was amazing. By the time I got the magazine, this new recession was in full swing. — Jo Goralski, The Jewelry Mechanic, Oconomowoc, WI
  • Your crystal ball was really working the day you chose that topic for the April issue! Can you suggest a lottery number? — James Doggett, Doggett Jewelry, Kingston, NH
  • Down in the Dumps

It’s been about seven weeks since we closed for business. and we don’t feel like doing anything. I guess we have all fallen into some kind of depression. — Lyla Ismael, Lyla Jewelers, Oak Lawn, IL

Live Results

  • We recently began doing live sales on Facebook twice a week. We were shocked to find out how successful this route was. Out of 20 items during each sale, we are having 10-15 items purchased within 24 hours. It’s been a welcome surprise! — Morgan Bartel, Susann’s Custom Jewelers, Corpus Christi, TX

Online Pickup

  • Leading up to March, our sales had been consistently down about 20 percent year over year. Once April hit, our sales went completely through the roof! We had close to an all-time record-breaking month, just $4,000 shy of our best month ever in 13 years. We have an established long-term online presence, and I feel that really helped contribute to such an amazing month. — Jen Hollywood, J Hollywood Designs, Chester Springs, PA

Wanting Webinars

  • I have enjoyed and benefited from the webinars INSTORE has led. Thank you! — Richard Frank, Goldstein’s, Mobile, AL

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