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What I’ve Learned: Jerry Lindsey



Make it about the joy

Jerry Lindsey, Jerry Lindsey Custom Jewelry, Franklin, TN

I do what I do, because I love to see the joy on my customer’s face when handed a new piece of jewelry. It’s not about the money. It’s not about my reputation. It’s about that customer, standing in front of me, at that moment. That joy is why I do it. It’s why I get up before the crack of dawn, to come in and cast platinum. It’s why I carry my laptop home at night so I can easily design a ring for a new customer. That’s why I create jewelry and then take it apart and re-do it so I can create the perfect piece. I’ve learned that when I tried to make it about the money, jewelry became a job. And that’s not fun. Life is too short to concentrate on numbers or attracting new customers. When I make it about the joy, my excited customers tell their friends and new people come to me.




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What I’ve Learned: Jerry Lindsey



Make it about the joy

Jerry Lindsey, Jerry Lindsey Custom Jewelry, Franklin, TN

I do what I do, because I love to see the joy on my customer’s face when handed a new piece of jewelry. It’s not about the money. It’s not about my reputation. It’s about that customer, standing in front of me, at that moment. That joy is why I do it. It’s why I get up before the crack of dawn, to come in and cast platinum. It’s why I carry my laptop home at night so I can easily design a ring for a new customer. That’s why I create jewelry and then take it apart and re-do it so I can create the perfect piece. I’ve learned that when I tried to make it about the money, jewelry became a job. And that’s not fun. Life is too short to concentrate on numbers or attracting new customers. When I make it about the joy, my excited customers tell their friends and new people come to me.




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