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Become a Great Actor and You Can Become a Great Salesperson




Everything Is Sales. You want to get your kid to eat that piece of broccoli? Sales. You want that flight attendant to give you a seat upgrade? Sales. The better you become at sales, the easier your life will be. So let’s get better at selling!

The first step in winning a sale is to let the potential buyer know “what’s in it for them.” You would think would be obvious, but I can’t tell you how many “check out my website or go to my Facebook page” ads I see with no clear reason why anyone would do so. 

In order to sell, your client needs to know clearly how you provide value. I call this your value story. Why should they shop with you? Why is your diamond the best deal? Not every customer is a price shopper, but every customer is a value shopper.

Telling your value story is not easy. There are many messages you want to get across to the customer — your warranty, your history in the community, your diamond buying trip to Antwerp. The problem is, if you send too many messages, they get lost. People need short and simple. 

Let’s say I throw six balls at you. You won’t catch any of them. But if I throw one ball at you, you will catch it. The same is true in sales. Pick one strong, clear reason to shop with you, and you will sell more jewelry. 


The second step to winning a sale is confidence. The best salespeople I know are also the most confident. Do you know why Facebook is so popular? It’s the likes. We are not always sure if we like something, but if your friend likes it, then we are more confident to like it, too. 

That’s why people come into a retail store. They want someone to tell them what to buy. They want a confident person to show them value and trends. So when selling jewelry, do not ask customers if they like a necklace. Tell them how amazing it looks on them. Do not ask them what styles they like. Tell them about your hottest sellers. Be confident in what you sell and you will sell more of it.

Sales is like theater. People see hundreds of ads every day. If you want to get people’s attention, you need to put on a show. Your show is your personality. The more personality and passion you have, the more people will want to shop with you. In a time when customers can check prices on their phones, your personality is what sets you apart. Like actors, we need to practice. Most of us are not born great salespeople. Practice telling your value stories, being confident, and keeping your message short. Dazzle them not just with jewelry, but with your personality — and you will sell more jewelry.



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