Above Average: When Parents Find Out Their Daughter Makes Jewelry
Creating jewelry used to be an admirable, artistic sideline business. These days? It’s comedy fodder. (Warning: explicit language.)
Portlandia: She’s Making Jewelry
A chirpy musical number that follows a lead character’s path when, after many months of unemployment, he decides to start a home-based jewelry-making business.
Portlandia: Put a Bird On It
The Portlandia “making jewelry” episode arc continues with another attack on the creative choices of the average Etsy jewelry creator.
Saturday Night Live: Holiday Jewelry from Pandora
This faux commercial, which aired on Saturday Night Live in December 2017, is a pretty brutal takedown of the charm giants. As the narrator intones, “Once you’ve bought her a Pandora bracelet, you can buy her one of these 60-dollar whatevers for every birthday, Mother’s Day and anniversary for the rest of her natural life”, the commercial shows a jewelry-box perspective view of a series of thorougly unexcited women opening their holiday gifts. Ouch.
Drew Barth: Why Jewelry Commercials are Made for Men
As the famous advertisement says, “Diamonds are forever”. But this guy finds himself in hot water with his girlfriend when he suggests another substance that is “forever”.
Love Actually: The Necklace Scene
Jewelry salesperson Rowen Atkinson (“Mr. Bean”) meticulously prepares a gift necklace for extremely hurried customer Alan Rickman. Painfully funny, with the emphasis on pain.
INSTORE: A Few Good Jewelry Jokes
And here’s one our own David Squires did a few years back, offering a melange of classic jewelry jokes.