SOMETIMES JEWELRY CUSTOMERS say some pretty strange things — expecially when they’re trying to return merchandise. If you’ve been in the business a while, you’ve surely heard a few lame alibis.
As we collect responses for this year’s Big Survey, we’re bringing you a few highlights from years past. We call them Big Survey Flashbacks.
Today we bring you a question from our 2011 survey: “What’s the wildest excuse you’ve heard for a return?”
Here are the some of the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) ones.
- “If he thinks this purchase is going to excuse his affair, he’s got another thing comin’!”
- “I would like to get my money back on this ring. Here is the receipt but I can’t find the ring.”
- “She ran off with another guy before I could propose.”
- “My husband can never please me.”
- “My son woke up from an eight-year coma and doesn’t like the watch we got him.”
- “I caught him in bed with my best friend.”
- “My husband wasn’t authorized to make this purchase.”
- “I was sitting at my desk and it exploded.”
- “My wife said she preferred her lover to give her jewelry.”
- “My husband’s secretary has larger diamond earrings than these.”
- “My mistress said she felt funny wearing a cross.”
Want to have your say on the industry and what it means to own or manage an American jewelry store in 2017? Click here to take the latest INSTORE Big Survey. (The survey will probably take about 20 minutes to complete and is designed to be taken solely by store owners and managers.)