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Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Take Advantage of Day of the Town Crier Along With More Calendar Dates for July

Shake out your marketing muscles. The Paris Olympics are about to kick off.




Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Take Advantage of Day of the Town Crier Along With More Calendar Dates for July

1 It’s just two months or so before football starts at high schools around the country. Get down to the coach’s office to see if you can be the official sponsor for the flip coin. Cast it yourself, place ads in the game programs, and soon the whole community will know of your talents.

2 At the Midpoint of the Year, get out your targets and plans for 2024 and check where you stand. If you’re way off course, it’s time to make some adjustments.

8 Hear ye, hear ye! It’s International Day of the Town Crier. Get together with your business neighbors to hire one to do the rounds of your strip mall, mall, or downtown area. Most advertising is done through an electronic medium these days, but there’s still power in the human touch. Make your cries newsy. “Oyez, oyez, gold is up to $2,400 an ounce. Bring in your old jewelry for a valuation!”

26 Swifter, higher, stronger, bolder. That’s your motto as the XXXIII Olympics start in Paris. Hold a “She Lit My Torch” essay contest, put together a “Go for the Gold” display in the store, or set up a medal tally in the backroom for staff to compete against each other (one gold medal for every sale over $5,000, a silver medal for $1,000 sales and bronze for those above $500). The opportunities are endless.



When the Kids Have Their Own Careers, Wilkerson Can Help You to Retire

Alex and Gladys Rysman are the third generation to run Romm Jewelers in Brockton, Mass. And after many decades of service to the industry and their community, it was time to close the store and take advantage of some downtime. With three grown children who each had their own careers outside of the industry, they decided to call Wilkerson. Then, the Rysmans did what every jeweler should do: They called other retailers and asked about their own Wilkerson experience. “They all told us what a great experience it was and that’s what made us go with Wilkerson.” says Gladys Rysman. The results? Alex Rysman says he was impressed. “We exceeded whatever I expected to do by a large margin.”

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