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Here’s How To Bring The Best Of Online Shopping Into Your Store

Consider what makes e-commerce great and integrate those ideas.




WHENEVER WE GO online, small pieces of data called “cookies” are issued from websites to track us. Why? Tracking cookies help to create a super-personalized browsing experience, which in turn makes the user feel seen and understood. When consumers see items tailored specifically to their interests, they’re more likely to spend.

How do we create a personalized experience inside the store without following our customers around? Here are some easy tips to create an experience that will make your customers feel welcome.

1. Do some user research. Successful tech companies engage in user research to understand what their users need and want. Try it! It doesn’t have to be formal — the most interesting people are interested. Be open and curious. Talk to your customers one-on-one, and they’ll likely be happy to share their ideas with you.

You might also try a quick survey that is posted on your website or sent via the mail. Offer a little something for completing it, such as a chance to win a gift card or an item from your store. Use the data you collect to shape future business decisions.

2. Organize your store. Using technology has conditioned consumers to expect easily searchable and readily available information. On a website, you can search by category, price, and style. Physical signs can let you create a similar experience in your store. Organize your merchandise, then let the signs guide your customers to the products they’re looking for.

3. Show prices. Can you think of a time you’ve gone shopping on a website and haven’t seen the price immediately? It’s pretty rare. People might not be comfortable if they don’t know the price up front — especially millennials. You’ll still get a chance to sell; just put them at ease first so they can listen to what you’re saying. For the average customer, price transparency goes a long way toward building trust and closing the sale.


4. Set your staff up to be the MVPs. Sure, technology lets people shop from the privacy of their own home without ever interacting with a salesperson. However, when it comes to jewelry, people tend to want help. Since jewelry is a high-cost item that often has emotional significance, people want expert guidance so that they can feel like they’re buying something great.

However, the hard sell is not going to work here. Technology is all about transparency, so that’s what customers are looking for. They want to work with someone who is friendly, well-trained, responsive, professional, knowledgeable, and confident — but not pushy! If you can train your staff to embody all of these important qualities, you’ll provide the type of interaction the modern customer is seeking.

Curating your in-store experience to mimic the best of online can provide real value for your business. Focus on understanding your customers, providing them with the information they want in a clear, organized way, and offering superior service, and you’ll be on your way to creating the kind of experience that closes more sales.



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