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True Tales

Just When You Thought You’d Heard Everything, These Customers Came Along

Ever heard the phrase, “No question is a dumb question?” Whoever said that never met these customers.




Just When You Thought You’d Heard Everything, These Customers Came Along

A lady brings in this mess of chains but doesn’t have much time to wait. “Don’t we just put it in a machine or something that will untangle the chains?” Umm, no. Philip Mastbergen, Mastbergen Jewelry, Sheldon, IA

We had a lady walk in the store. I’m going to say that again, she opened the door after reading the “OPEN” sign and reading the hours, and she walked in the store. She asked: “Are you open?” And wait, it gets better: “Because your hours say you’re open Tuesday through Saturday?” Us: “Yes, ma’am, it’s Wednesday.” (and you’re standing in the middle of the store!). Casey Gallant, Stephen Gallant Jewelers, Orleans, MA

What’s the Brain Squad?

If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. jewelry store, you’re invited to join the INSTORE Brain Squad. By taking one five-minute quiz a month, you can get a free t-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting the jewelry industry. Good deal, right? Sign up here.



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