HERE’S A SIMPLE SALES technique that can pay big dividends with your clients. I’ve dubbed it “the dropper-offer.” Funny name, but it can result in serious sales and happy customers.
To pull off “the dropper-offer,” you need accurate store floor awareness, exceptional teamwork and perfect timing. Here’s how it works.
When the sale or repair is over, and the client and salesperson are ready to turn to walk toward the door, another salesperson (or, ideally, an owner or manager) becomes “the dropper-offer.” That person walks by and hands the salesperson a loose diamond, which is held inside a spring-loaded, four-prong holder and wrapped inside a paper. The client shouldn’t be able to see what’s inside because the paper is folded over the diamond. The “dropper-offer” should say something like, “I know he (or she) would love to see what’s inside of this.” And then they walk away.
Clients are dying to see what’s inside the package. The salesperson unwraps the paper, which includes the cut, color, clarity and carat weight information as well as the price — everything they need to make the presentation. The diamond itself should be a diamond over a carat (make sure it’s larger than the average diamond you sell in your store). When the “dropper-offer” says, “I know they would love to see what is in this,” that is a lead-in line. It leads the salesperson and the client into the next presentation.
Clients love to see beautiful items and hold them in their hands. This technique creates sales from scratch and gives you a great opportunity for referrals and online feedback. None of your competition is doing this; they’re all worried about who’s showing what and whether one person or the other is going to get credit for this sale. But in your store, you make it all about the client (right??).
Here is why you wow clients:
1. Clients feel good when they’re trusted with a high-value, beautiful item.
2. It’s a silent compliment. They realize that you believe they can afford it.
3. It’s free advertising. It costs nothing but your time.
4. The client now knows you have large diamonds. Even if you don’t make a sale now, it will lead to future sales.
5. They might buy it. People buy on impulse all the time.
It takes a team that knows each other’s selling habits to be able to pull this off and do it well. It does involve an interruption, but never interrupt when your sales associate is in the middle of a presentation or ready to close. The secret to this is timing.
Once people on your sales team get to be a part of the “dropper-offer” technique, everyone is going to want to participate. It’s fun and clients love the attention. They end up staying longer. It shows them you care. And it creates sales from scratch. Happy selling!