Am I Okay?
Something I wish I could wrap my brain around more is finding a barometer for how we are doing as a company. Sure, I can look at reports and attempt to judge our level of success, but it’s still so hard to know if we are really just surviving or if we are thriving. I suppose every store is different, so it’s difficult to compare. I still spend many conversations with owner friends lost in “how is your store doing” conversations. Elizabeth Kittell, Pretty In Patina, Omaha, NE
What happens in Vegas
The biggest thing I thought happened at the JCK Show was the De Beers Lightbox announcement [that De Beers will sell lab-created diamonds]. Is it good? Is it bad? I think this needs a lot of research before the line is on the streets in September. David Dumas, Diamonds & Gold Int., St. Louis Park, MN
Lots of newness in Vegas this year. It’s been several years since I’ve had a refreshing feeling coming home from the trade shows, and it was nice to feel that again. Marc Majors, Sam L. Majors, Midland, TX
Adapt or Die
Remember folks, things change. Move, adapt, learn, and be flexible, or you end up like the coal miners, buggy whip makers and sealing wax makers: Dead! Stephen Ware, Ware Designs, Lafayette, CA
My Three Things
I am terrified that I won’t be able to recognize a lab-created diamond in comparison to a natural diamond.
I am embarrassed by some of the poor quality merchandise people bring in for repair.
I am amazed at the watches brought in for repair or batteries that are purchased online that are overpriced and poor quality. Jim Greenfield, Spritz Jewelers, Champaign, IL