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Shane Decker

These “Dad-Isms” Could Change Your Sales Trajectory If You’ll Let Them

In Shane Decker’s final regular monthly column, he shares wisdom from his dad.




I’VE BEEN WRITING articles for INSTORE Magazine for 19 years, and this my last regular column. I’ll still write when INSTORE has a special request, and no, I’m not retiring: I’ll still fly and train in stores, speak at conventions, and connect with jewelry retailers via video conferencing. I’m also working with INSTORE on a new online training series, and we’ll have more to announce about that soon.

I want to thank INSTORE for the opportunity to allow me to write for them all these years. It’s been an honor. I also want to thank all my readers for your questions, texts and loyalty, and for honoring me by using my advice in your stores for sales training.

For my last regular column, I want to share with you some of the “Dad-isms” that my father said to me throughout his life. I’m working on a book about these “Dad-isms,” where each chapter will revolve around one of his many sayings and what it meant. He started saying these things to me when I was a kid, and they meant even more to me as I grew into adulthood. I hope you will consider each “Dad-ism” and what it might mean for you, because as Dad said, “Don’t prove yourself; improve yourself.” He also said:

• If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.
• On time is late; early is on time.
• If you didn’t have time to do it right the first time, how are you going to find time to do it right the second time?
• Does your mom work here?
• Your word is your bond.
• Your actions speak louder than your words.
• The more you think about it, the more you’ll probably do it, right or wrong.
• You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
• Learn to really listen … really.
• Respect is never given; it’s earned.
• Never pre-judge anyone.
• If you hang out with the turds, you’ll get s@#! on you.
• Never judge anyone until you’ve walked a mile in their moccasins.
• Live, love, work and laugh. And take care of your family and friends.
• Always be a leader and a motivator.
• Kindness goes a long way in the workplace and at home.
• Help others succeed.
• Be a team player and a servant when you need to be.
• Never quit learning. Self-educate.
• If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.
• Be the first to apologize.
• If you lie, it will take a long time for me to believe you again.
• Celebrate life’s important moments.
• Winners never quit; quitters never win.
• You’ll get out of it what you put into it.
• Procrastination is a time killer, attitude smasher and communication spoiler.
• Never say “It’s not my job.”

My dad was a wise man. I’ve thought about these sayings throughout my life, and maybe some of these will help you as well. Happy selling!


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