When times are good, complacency is a small business owner’s worst enemy.
These two exercises will allow your team members to feel recognized and valued, all while teaching them valuable lessons in leadership.
If you love your career but hate your job, try this quick exercise.
You’ve got to remove that “top salesperson” hat.
It will also help you take time off and even retire.
Train your people to their strengths and watch productivity soar.
In this jeweler-specific version, one section remains reassuringly the same.
She lost her boyfriend in a terrible accident. But she found meaning in the act of making jewelry.
Honestly help your clients to determine what looks good ... and what doesn't.
No matter what your role in the industry, everybody can do something.
Kyle Bullock turns the tables on a fraudster.
Have some tissues ready.
Reminder for today: Jewelry means different things to different people.
A simple education in the 4 C's would have told the thief that this was a bad idea.
His father died of cancer. He had no choice but to step up and take on the responsibility.
Learn how to best frame the reality that you're facing.
You'll want to stick with this story until the very, very end.
The 5-carat natural, non-heat-treated sapphire was extremely rare.
By learning the customer's backstory, he provided a service the Internet never could.
Sample the first 90 seconds of Kyle’s latest podcast.