What do you do when you hit a slow period and the customer traffic just isn’t there? You take action, says jewelry store training expert Jimmy...
This is no ordinary gem.
Don't get too focused on immediate ROI.
Gene finds himself knee-deep in jam.
It's one of the hardest things to do, but immensely powerful if you do it right.
Sales advice from Aleah Arundale.
Don't dismiss the idea out of hand.
Harris Jeweler gets it right with a print advertisement that delivers genuine impact for its investment.
Quit turning up your nose at lab-grown diamonds. They're ready to play a serious role in your jewelry cases.
One simple step could make your marketing more effective.
Be ready for a new way of thinking.
They have plenty of advantages compared to diamonds, he says.
There's something for your customer’s every mood.
Increase kindness and respect amongst your team.
Don't be shy. Telemarketing can be highly effective.
But it's hard not to see the downside.
There's no single message that will sell everyone.
Something tells us that's not a real Rolex, Gene.
Use it for lead-generation.
The more jargon you use, the more likely you are to alienate customers.